Gray Line Information Links and Recommendations
Agency and Organizational Recommendations for the CTA Gray Line
In 2003 the Center for Neighborhood Technology, and the Chicagoland Transportation and Air Quality Commission did a Study of the Transit/Transportation Major Capital Projects included in the Chicago Area Transportation Study's 2030 Shared Path Regional Transportation Plan.
The Projects were judged separately on 15 different Criteria, and points awarded for each. Then each Projects accumulated Point Totals were scored and compared.
This is a very fair and impartial method of Scoring - And it would be difficult to manipulate the Results.
This is a Detailed Description the Criteria used to judge each of the 2030 CATS RTP Major Capital Projects.
Here are the Results - Comparing the Cumulative Point Totals E A R N E D by each included Major Capital Project.
NOTE that with the Highest Point Total of 78 - the Gray Line Project (mispelled "Grey") E A R N S THE TOP SCORE.
In this 2009 Center for Neighborhood Technology / Chicagoland Transportation and Air Quality Commission report on Transit and Transportation Issues - Pages 13 through 19 pertain to various ways of improving Chicago's CTA 'L' System.
At the Top of Page 16 CNT/CTAQC make the following Recommendation:
"The Chicagoland Transportation and Air Quality Commission, affilated with the Center for Neighborhood Technology, ranked the GRAY LINE as the most SENSIBLE and WORTHY Transit Idea out of A L L the Transportation Projects being proposed for Chicagoland"!